Woohoo..I met Esther today! still the same, looks pretty and sweet and she bought me a sidebeg from England still.Cool~~It really looks great and smell good ^^ Omg i love it so much..thanks esther..xo
Eum..I wondered to get this present..and i miss the hug with you ezzy ♥ xo remember that our last meet was last year ^^ we went to oneU and took alot of photo!and the last last year..=.= we stay in house watched Goong..^^
Girl, i really love you so much! every year, when it's your summer hols, sure you will come back to M'sia and meet me..although we stay far away from each other, even though we keep in touch in msn or facebook, but i still feel the relationship between us still on..I love you so much, Hope that our friendship forever ever
和她从幼儿园开始认识,直到现在已有十二年!我们一起同小学,同幼儿园..还记得我们的感情是非常的要好。在一二年级的时候,总是喜欢玩mamasak的,妹妹,慧莹和我总是喜欢在屋子前面玩“珍珠奶茶”,把肥皂弄出来的泡泡当作是珍珠。还记得那天我们全家人和她一起去A Famosa玩!我更加记得她在玩水上活动的时候,眼镜不停的掉下来,妈咪在玩的时候,身体不停的滑下来,很搞笑!因为她都住在condo,所以都会时常去找她游泳..还有很多很多的童年回忆,都少不了她~
直到三年级时,她突然说要移民到英国。因为当时还小,所以就没有很大的不舍。但另我更感动的是,虽然那时还小的我们,竟然保持联络到现在!!!到现在,我们还是有用信联络,msn, facebook...每一年,她的summer hols都会回来马来西亚,都会来找我。奇怪的是,每一年以后看着她,都没有陌生的感觉=)Babe, I love you so much
♥ xo